10 days in Rio de Janeiro for only £ 420 including direct flights and 9 nights in a nice 3* hotel!
Brazil is particulary known for footbal, samba and beautiful beaches. Enjoy it all on the iconic Copacabana which is one of the most famous beaches in The World. Rio de Janeiro is a fascinating cocktail of colorful streets and passionate South American lifestyle. The climate in Rio is nice and the city lays in a nice area with high mountains on one side and the Atlantic Ocean on the other.
Note: Momondo shows the price for 2 persons. You might have to click on “cheapest” instead of “best” in order to see the right price on momondo. There are also flights from Belfast, Edinburgh, and Glasgow. See below!
prices & links
HOTEL 1 | £ 104 | |
FLIGHT | £ 426 | |
TOTAL | £ 530 | pp at 2 persons |
HOTEL 1 | £ 104 | |
FLIGHT | £ 437 | |
TOTAL | £ 541 | pp at 2 persons |
HOTEL 1 | £ 104 | |
FLIGHT | £ 316 | |
TOTAL | £ 420 | pp at 2 persons |
HOTEL 1 | £ 104 | |
FLIGHT | £ 434 | |
TOTAL | £ 538 | pp at 2 persons |
Note: Momondo shows the total price for 2 travellers. Trivago shows the price per night. We have taken all that in to consideration in our calculation but the price can change after the publication of the article. |
We have based our article on the excellently reviewed 3-star Sugar Loft Apartments. The hotel offers nice rooms and a central location in Rio de Janeiro.
There is a lot of other hotels – also cheaper. See the full list of hotels here: Show alternative hotels
From London it costs £ 316 for flights with Norwegian on the 14. – 23. October 2019.
ADD. information
The calculation of the price is based on 2 adults travelling. You can easily change the amount of travellers and or add children and by that most often achieve a lower price per person.
We can make mistakes. You should always remember to check the dates to see if they match before you book. Also check the price of the flight and the hotel before booking. – They might have changed since we published the article.